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Gibraltar Heritage Journal Volume 18

Gibraltar Heritage Journal Volume 18

Foreword by Jennifer Ballantine-Perera

Articles in this edition:

  • 'The Conversion of the SS Uganda in Gibraltar 16th-19th April 1982', by David Sanchez
  • 'The Refitting of the SS Uganda in April 1982 in images', by Orlando Bossino
  • 'Mons Calpe 1954-1986', by George Gaggero
  • 'The Alameda Housing Estate', by T.J. Finlayson
  • 'Gibraltar Calling: a History of Telephone Services in Gibraltar', by Malcolm Beanland
  • 'The Goatherd's Path and the XIIth Seige of Gibraltar', by Roy Clinton
  • 'Christmas Memories', by Manolo Galliano

Notes & Queries

  • 'Evacuation and Return', by Simi Benady

Contents include Gibraltar Bookshelf 2010 and Cumulative Index.

*Cover Photograph: The Mons Calpe - On Deck c.1960s, by M.H Bland.

Product Details:
Publisher: Friends of Gibraltar Heritage Society & The Gibraltar Heritage Trust
Year of Publication: 2011
Language: English
Paperback: 119pages
Dimensions: 14.7cm (w) x 21.5cm (l) x 0.9cm(d)