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Sufficit Animus (Alfonso Escuadra)

Sufficit Animus (Alfonso Escuadra)

During the Second World War, control of the Mediterranean was a strategic objective of prime importance. In the battle between the Italians and the British for control of its waters, the Regia Marina would try to compensate for its relative weakness against the Royal Navy by resorting to the use of innovative means of naval combat. These were the so-called submarine assault means, which included incipient combat divers and slow-moving torpedoes or maiali. Using these means, a handful of brave and determined young Italians, the pick of the raiding and diving schools in Livorno and La Spezia, would take the war against the English Navy right to the interior of its bases. The unit in which these means were concentrated was known as the Xª Flotiglia MAS; without a doubt, the most dangerous and feared battering ram of the secret war waged by the Italian Navy during the conflict. 

Product Details
Publisher: Rebellion Publishing Ltd
Year of Publication: 2023
Language: Spanish
Hardback 407 pages
Dimensions: 24.6cm (l), 18cm (w), 2.6cm (d)