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Invasion y Conquista Arabo-Bereber de La Peninsula Iberica en 711 de Guadarranque a al-Andalus (Jose Beneroso Santos)

Invasion y Conquista Arabo-Bereber de La Peninsula Iberica en 711 de Guadarranque a al-Andalus (Jose Beneroso Santos)

This book explores the  arrival of Islam to the Iberian Peninsula, in what represents another stage in its great territorial expansion, constitutes one of the most outstanding historical events of the Middle Ages, marking the peninsular historical future and, by establishing itself in a dominant position in this area, also to a certain extent that of much of Western Europe. Furthermore, as the Peninsula became the border between the Christian and Muslim worlds, Islam acquired its own characteristics here, which led to the origin of a new political-military, socio-economic and religious-cultural entity known as al-Andalus.

Product Details
Publisher: Imagenta Editorial
Year of Publication: 2024
Language: Spanish
Paperback 673 pages
Dimensions; 24cm (l), 16.9cm (w), 3.8cm (d)